Designing the Perfect Brochure
Nothing can capture the essence of your company more than a
sophisticated brochure with pages of well-designed company image. Your brochure
needs to serve two main purposes: to be inviting but also hold the power to
influence. The more of your company image that you can leave with your
customers, and potential customers, the greater the chance of gaining an order.
But leaving your impressive brochure with your customer is not enough to ensure
a sale – the literature you leave needs to encourage them to browse, digest and
apply to your products to their business. Designing the perfect brochure is
something that takes flair, design and a little marketing know-how.
Make the Headlines
Start with something unexpected. Make a headline that will
cause your audience to look again, then want to investigate further. Don’t make
the mistake of filling your front page with information they already know or
can find out easily from another source. If you don’t have a well-designed and
styled logo – get one. Ask a question that is relevant to your audience that
invites them in and gets people involved. One of the most effective things you
can do on the front of your brochures is – say less. Don’t clutter up the page
with words however tempting it is, the last thing you want your audience to do
is read the cover, then discard it.
Back to Basics
The first page of your brochure should offer three reasons
why your customer needs to continue reading. Choose the things that are the
most important, or the most impressive. What is your edge? What will be their
most concerning problem? Why do they need you? What benefit do you give? What is alternative
to not using you? Write down as many reasons as you can think of that convince
the reader, your customer, why they need to look further then chose the three
most important. Presenting these in three, simple, uncluttered short blocks of
text on the first page is an appetizer for what lies within.
Make all your text focus on the most important aspects of
your company that are impressive. Avoid the temptation to put too much
information in your brochure, instead inviting the reader to move to another
media such as website or help line to keep the customer bonding to the brand
and moving nearer to a sale. To simplify your brochure use images in place of
text and do not be afraid to be creative. Anything that is ‘outside the box’
will be remembered and leave a definite impression.
Ask the Question
It’s a simple premise that is often overlooked in the
scramble to be clever - ask for a sale. Do not be afraid to include other calls
to action, such as claiming a free gift, gaining an email address or
subscription to a newsletter. Use plain language in your whole brochure, but
consider power words when you ask the questions that demand an answer. You’ll
be amazed how often the answer is ‘yes’.
Dress to Impress
Designing the most effective brochure must include a close look
at the materials you use in the construction of the finished product. A
brochure is like your handshake – it should promote confidence and competence
so consider carefully the weight, texture and overall feel of the finished item
as it needs to impress from the moment it is first seen. These are the things
that are noticed and send a message to your customer that you care about your
business, your company image and the quality of the products you produce –
Mixed Media Marketing
Consider your brochure as a part of your complete company
image and branding. Make it professional but consider providing it in CD or USB
stock format, provided on a custom designed and printed CD
or USB stick.
For an even more impressive mixed media package the CD’s can be inserted into
the brochure and carry video advertisements,
how to’s
and testimonials that
also inform, enlighten and entertain.
Take the time to design your brochure in every detail,
carefully considering what to include and what to leave out and you will create
an impressive piece of marketing collateral that will impress, inform, entice
but most of – galvanize your audience into action. Brochures have grown beyond
the catalogues and magazines of your grandmas era, and now provide slick, sleek
and sophisticated marketing. It’s the new revolution in marketing. Get yours carefully
designed now, or get left behind.
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